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美滿的婚姻 vol.3 [世界は今…]


あれ、木の上に何か引っかかってる・・・ キミはどこかで見た顔・・・。も、もしや、レッサーパンダくんではないか!

筆談は無敵です。How are youすら通じない自分の中国語力のなさに見切りをつけ、ノートとペンを片手に旅に出ました。あちこちでノートを見せて、バスのりばどっち?animal parkどっち?と尋ねまくり、浦東空港の近く (といってもタクシーで40分くらい) にある、上海野生動物園にやって来ました。地下鉄と路線バスを乗り継ぐこと約2時間、お目当てはなんといってもパンダくんです。

Oops, something is on the tree... Are you... 

It was a challenging journey. Very few people speak English, so I was at a loss how to make myself understood. I finally gave up and passed the notebook to person who may concern. 


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美滿的婚姻 vol.2 [世界は今…]



We safely arrived at Pudong international airport. Maglev connects the airport and the city centre in 8 minutes. The super-rapid service brought us to the metro station with comfort. I was initially suspicious on anything in China, but... the service seemed nice. Please never bury us into the earth...


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美滿的婚姻 vol.1 [世界は今…]



I will hit the road to Shanghai in a couple of hours. The primary objective is to attend a wedding ceremony of two of my best friends. The Japanese man and the Chinese lady fell in love each other in the University days, and finally, they get married! How did they get to know each other? I will ask them in Shanghai.


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腹8分を科学が立証したそうです! [世界は今…]

ひさーしぶりに駅で買ったThe Japan Timesにとても興味深い記事をみつけたので、今日はこの特集をしようと思います。おさるさんに協力してもらって、20年間もかかって得られた貴重な科学的発見です。これを実践しない手はないですね!

It has been for long since I last posted a blog. Today I found an interesting article on The Japan Times regarding our health. I would discuss a bit about it tonight. The article was originally posted by AP Los Angeles Times, Washington.


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今こそ一次産業の振興を図るチャンス!? [世界は今…]


(素晴らしい能登 能登半島穴水町の幸寿し BLOG:より転載)

今米国のサブプライム問題に端を発する世界同時株安が世界を震撼させていますね。日本では政府の対応の遅れもあり雇用状況が悪化の一途をたどり、2009年春までに85000人が職を失うと警戒されています。米国のオバマ新政権と異なり、具体的かつ有効な雇用創出を打ち出すことのできない今の政府に代わり、地方自治体レベルでの職の斡旋が試みられていますが、その数は限定的です。では、この危機を人手不足に悩む一次産業や福祉に再分配することはできないものでしょうか。今アイスランドでは漁業の重要性が再認識されつつあるようです。Jill Lawlessさんのレポートです。

The plummeting world economy caused by the mortgage loan issue in the United States is massively threatening the Earth. In Japan, the downturn will drive some 85000 people from their job by March due to insane of the current government unlike the counterpart in the US. Instead of the current cabinet, some local governments try to create new positions; however, the number is limited. Then, would it be possible to introduce fired people to the first industry, such as agriculture, forestry and fishery, and to the welfare industry? Jill Lawless reported on the renaissance of the marine industry in Iceland.


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バイリンガル犬も夢ではないかも!? [世界は今…]


(The English Blog:より転載)

英語が自由に話せたらいいな、そう思う人は少なくないと思います。駅前留学が流行ったりリスニング教材が爆発的に売れたりと、英語熱はこれからも高まるばかりでしょう。一方、イヌをはじめとするペットと会話したいという動物愛好家も多いはず。以前バウリンガルなどのおもちゃやイヌ言葉の研究が流行しましたよね。ついにこれらが出会い、イヌに英会話を教えようとする飼い主が現れたそうです。イヌと英語で話したいと真剣に考えているのか、それともこれからはイヌといえどもバイリンガルの時代、英語が話せないイヌは淘汰される、と思っているのか、どんな動機からかはわかりませんが、なんとも不思議な世の中になったものです。The Japan Timesからの引用です。

There are a number of people who are keen to speak English as a second language, and the desire will become stronger and stronger; i.e. taking private lessons at an English conversation school and losing sights by some listening materials. On the other hand, many pet lovers do long for communicating with their pets, seen as a spread of Bowlingual et al. These finally meet each other; some people are trying to teach English to their dogs using private lessons. I have no idea what made them teach English conversation to their dogs. The pet boom in Japan is getting kinda weird... The following article is quoted from The Japan Times issued on 4th January, 2009.


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ビタミンのサプリメントは体に有害!? [世界は今…]



近年、科学の発達により、バランスのとれた食生活をせずとも人の栄養状態をコントロールできるようになりました。仕事に忙殺されたり、やせたいという過度な欲求などから、女性を中心として、日々の食事を制限し、必要とされる栄養をサプリメントを用いて摂取する傾向があります。この近年の画期的発明とも言える習慣に警鐘を鳴らす研究が一躍有名となっています。当初食事を通じて摂取することが困難なものを補う目的で開発されたサプリメントが、極端な場合では1食すべてを錠剤で置き換えるというもはや乱用に近い事態にまでなる例も少なくありませんが、本当に食事を摂らずとも同等の効果が得られるのでしょうか。The Japan Timesの記事を引用して検証していきたいと思います。

To date, we can control our nutritional state without taking balanced diet. Females in particular tend to gain nutrients necessary for maintaining daily activities by resorting to dietary supplements whereas they limit food intake, due in part to busy life like a honey-bee and due in part to their desire to become thinner. Recently, research questioned the effectiveness of the dietary supplements which might be one of the most epoch-making inventions in the present decade. Dietary supplements were initially developed with a view to supplementing nutrients which would be difficult to take: however, they are now kinda abused; i.e. some may alter whole diet with the capsules and pills. Can we enjoy the effectiveness equivalent to consuming balanced diet? I would discuss the issue featuring an article posted to The Japan Times.


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同じ人として、私たちに何ができるか考えませんか [世界は今…]


How was the year 2008 for you? There are some people who still suffer from the scars of natural disasters, such as earthquakes. Some may experience hunger and starvation due to deteriorating world economy. On 23rd, an article from AP unveiled the top 10 humanitarian crises occurred in 2008. The article made me feel sorry that a number of people would still suffer from those catastrophes. We may not be able to get physically involved in the humanitarian aid, then what shall we do? I would think a bit about this issue through commenting on the article.


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ASEANと日本 vol.2 [世界は今…]

さて、昨日に引き続きASEANと日本の連携についての記事を紹介します。今日のトピックは、域内での二国間協定とASEAN地域協定の締結を促進する日本が今後アジア経済においてどのように存在感を示していくか、またASEANの概念を築く上での日中、日米の関係についてです。12月18日づけのThe Japan Timesからの引用です。

I'd introduce today the rest of the article regarding the relationship between ASEAN and Japan. The topics are;

1. ASEAN is considering the creation of a common economic community by liberalising trade and investment in the region. In the meantime, Japan has concluded bilateral economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with major ASEAN countries as well as with ASEAN as a whole. How should Japan be involved in efforts toward Asian economic integration?

2. How do you expect relations between Japan and China to develop in the context of ASEAN, and in relation to the U.S.?

(Japan's Role expected to grow with integration, The Japan Times issued on 18th December, 2008)


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ASEANと日本 vol.1 [世界は今…]


さて、ASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)と日本は近年政治的、経済的な連携を強めるため、協力関係を結んでいます。食糧自給率がカロリーベースで40%の日本としては、食糧を安定的に供給するためには近隣諸国との連携が欠かせません。また、食糧以外にも私たちの周りにあるものほとんどがASEAN諸国からの輸入によって支えられていることも事実です。では日本が果たすべき役割とは?12月18日づけのThe Japan Timesによい記事を見つけたので紹介したいと思います。

The Japanese Government is very good at throwing money from an empty wallet. The current policy that skyrockets our debt is absolutely unacceptable. Billions of Japanese yen found at some dark corner disappears into darkness. Some insist of raising the consumer tax from 2011, and some persist it with fear to be defeated in the general election. Can we use a sword to cut into the current rotten Diet?

By the way, there is a friendship between ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Japan with a view to enhancing political and economic relationship. The relationship is of great importance to stably supply food materials to our country whose calory-baed food self-sufficiency rate is about 40%. It is also the fact that most of our daily necessities may come from ASEAN countries as you realise. Then, how can we contribute to these countries? I'd introduce an article in The Japan Times issued on 18 December, 2008.


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