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環境先進国ワースト2、問われる日本政府の資質 [世界は今…]


さて、ポーランドのポズナンで開かれた環境会議。日本は環境先進国だと思っている人が多いのではないでしょうか。しかし、このたび日本は環境保全に対しての姿勢が先進国の中でカナダについでワースト2位であるという、とても不名誉な賞を受賞しました。自治体、企業レベルではCO2削減に向けた取り組みがなされていますが、肝心の政策面で進展がありません。アメリカの次期大統領のオバマさんとは対照的に、あそーさんは環境問題に対して打つ手なし。先進国として位置づけられてはいますが、このままでは国民だけでなく世界の信用をも失いかねないですね。そもそも信用すらされてないかもしれませんが。The Japan Timesからの引用です。

The economy in Japan has been drastically in downturn. The Diet members devote themselves to maintain their acquired rights and they cannot show any blueprint to us citizens. It is a great shame to admit the fact that the Japanese Government, harnessed by Mr. Taro Aso, is nothing but a rubbish due to the unstable and unreliable policies.

An environmental conference was held in Poznan, Poland, where the environmental policies of Japan were ranked worst 2nd followed by Canada. Taking into account that the local communities and companies cope with reduction of carbon dioxide, this dishonourable prize should go to the Liberal Democratic Party which cannot discuss the global issues because of too much concerns about the political situation. Such an insane would even lose the reliance of the country all over the world.

I'd pick up an article featuring the dishonourable environmental policy of Japan from The Japan Times issued on 16th December, 2008.


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成果に見合う報酬を! [世界は今…]


さて、今日はワンコの報酬についての記事を紹介しようと思います。ワンコだって芸をしたらほめてもらいたいと感じてるんだよ、そんな研究結果がまとまったとのことです。The Japan Timesからの引用です

Employment insecurity is becoming a severe worldwide problem. Due to downturn of the global economy, many people would save the bonus in this winter. Some might lose their passion for work because of a reward cut.

By the way, I would introduce an article featuring the reward in the dog world. The following is quoted from The Japan Times issued on 11th December, 2008.


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頭がよくなる薬!? [世界は今…]



青魚に多く含まれる多価不飽和脂肪酸であるDHAやEPAのサプリメントが世に出て久しいですね。魚は好きなのですが、私の場合頭がよくなったかというと・・・どうだかなぁ~。それはさておき、今回取り上げられたこの薬には集中力を高め、情報処理能力を向上させる働きがあるそうです。以下、The Japan Timesより記事を引用します。

Do you happen to know that there are some brain-boosting agents on the earth? It is long since substances such as DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, and EPA, eicosapentaenonic acid, become familiar to people as a supplement to improve ability of brain, with some exceptions including myself. anyway, the drugs reported have a potential to boost function of brain, resulting in improved memory. I would quote the article from The Japan Times issued on 10th December, 2008.


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地球環境は今―日本のとるべき姿勢とは [世界は今…]


さて、私たちの生活に欠かせないもののひとつに国外からの輸入木材があります。家を建てる、家具を買うなど、国内材と比較して安価な外国の木材の需要は日本の林業を圧迫するだけでなく、森林破壊を推し進めるという悪しき連鎖を引き起こしています。木を切ることで炭素を固定できなくなるわけですから、必然的に空気中の二酸化炭素濃度が増加し、宇宙からの熱を吸収してしまうのですね。温室効果ガスの排出権の取引をめぐり、各国の利害が対立しています。途上国の発展とそれに伴う環境破壊を最小限にとどめるための技術面の援助をどのように行うか、興味深い投稿があったので紹介します。The Japan Timesより、Michael Richardsonさんの記事です。

United Nations climate change negotiations are taken place in Poznan, Poland, to discuss key issues regarding prevention of the global warming. Due to severe economic downturn, many people may appeal the environmental problem is less important than the expanding employment insecurity, for instance.

Imported timber is one of the indispensable materials for our daily life. More houses may require better and more budget timbers. Imported timbers, however, not only threaten domestic forest industry but also proceed vicious deforestation. Due to inability to fix carbons by cutting logs, concentation of carbon dioxide in atmosphere may augment , resulting in absorbing heat from the space. Each country vigorously disputes the carbon credit with a view to supporting development of their domestic industry. I would introduce an interesting article from The Japan Times regarding how to alleviate duty of the developing nations concerning reduction of gas emissions, posted by Michael Richardson.


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テディベアが宇宙遊泳!? [世界は今…]

今日8日の朝刊のトップページを飾ったのは2匹のテディベアでした。場所は宇宙。そう、宇宙服を身につけて宇宙遊泳を楽しんだというのです。そのかわいらしい姿に笑いをこらえることができませんでした。さて、いったい誰が何の目的で行ったのでしょう。The Japan Timesより記事を引用したいと思います。

It was two Teddy bears that were featured on the top page. Astonishingly, they were both in the space. They were enjoying flight with no gravity. I could not but burst into laughter with such a cute behaviour. Who on Earth launched two Teddies out of the Earth and for what purpose? I would quote an article from The Japan Times issued on 8th December, 2008.


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