
腹8分を科学が立証したそうです! [世界は今…]

ひさーしぶりに駅で買ったThe Japan Timesにとても興味深い記事をみつけたので、今日はこの特集をしようと思います。おさるさんに協力してもらって、20年間もかかって得られた貴重な科学的発見です。これを実践しない手はないですね!

It has been for long since I last posted a blog. Today I found an interesting article on The Japan Times regarding our health. I would discuss a bit about it tonight. The article was originally posted by AP Los Angeles Times, Washington.

A two-decade-long study has found that cutting calories by almost a third slowed the aging of monkeys and fended off death.

This is not about a quick diet to shed a few kilograms Scientists have long known they can increase the life span of mice and more primitive creatures -- worms, flies -- with deep, long-term cuts in what should be normal consumption.


Now comes the first evidence that it delays the diseases of aging in primates, too -- rhesus monkeys living at the Wisconsin National Primate Centre.

The findings, published in the journal Science, tracked monkeys that were on a reduced-calorie regimen for as long as 20 years. The animals' risk of dying from cancer heart disease and diabetes fell by more than two-thirds.


What about humans? Nobody knows yet if people in a world better known for over-eating could stand the deprivation long enought to make a difference, much less how it would affect our more complex bodies. Still, small attempts to tell are under way.

"What we would really like is not so much that people should live longer but that people should live healthier," said David Finkelstein of the National Institute on Aging ( NIA ) . The Wisconsin monkeys seemed to do both.

今の健康科学に求められる方向性は様々ですが、大きな流れのひとつとして、QOL ( Quality of Life ) のさらなる向上が挙げられるでしょう。人が人らしく生きるために、科学は様々なヒントを与えてくれます。

"The fact that there's less disease in these animals is striking," Finkelstein said.

The tantalising possibilities of caloric restriction date back to rodent studies in the 1930s. But it is a hot topic today among researchers trying to understand the different processes that make our bodies break down with age, so maybe some of them could be delayed or reversed.


Captive rhesus monkeys have an average life span of 27 years, so spotting an effect takes a lot longer than in short^lived mice. The newest study involves 76 monkeys -- 30 tracked since 1989 and 46 since 1994. They were regular-size adults eating a normal diet for a captive monkeys, a special vitamin-enriched chow plus some fruit treats.

Then researchers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, assigned half the monkeys to the reduced-calorie diet, cutting their daily calories by 30 percent but ensuring what they did eat was properly nourishing.


So far, 37 percent of the monkeys who kept their regular diet have died of age-related diseases -- compared with just 13 percent of the calorie-cut monkeys, a nearly three fold difference, the researchers reported. A handful of other conditions, such as injury, not deemed affected by nutrition.


Death was not the only change, The calorie-cut monkeys had less than half the incidence of cancerous tumours or heart disease as the monkeys who ate normally. Brain scan showed less age-related shrinkage in the dieting monkeys. They also retained more muscle, something else that tends to waste with age.


写真を掲載できないため ( 取り込むのが面倒なので、と正直に書きます ) 一部割愛しますが、2頭のおさるさんでその差は歴然としています。低カロリー食のおさるさんは若々しくあるのに対して、通常の食事をとったおさるさんはすっかりやせて、おじいさんのようです。

"All these pieces put together provide rather convincing evidence in our view that calorie restriction can slow the aging process in a primate species," said lead researcher Dr. Richard Weindruch, a University of Wisconsin professor heading the NIA-funded study.

He contends that somehow the diet change is reprograming metabolism in a way that slows aging.

The federal government is funding a small study to see if some healthy normal-weight people could sustain a 25 percent calorie cut for two years and if doing so signals some changes that might, over a long enough time, reduce some age-related disease.


But NIA's Finkelstein cautions that people should not just try this on their own; cutting out the wrong nutrients could cause more harm than good. Just follow common sense healthy lifestyle advice, he said.


"Everyone's obviously looking for the magic pill," and there's not one, Finkelstein said. "Watch what you eat, keep your mind active, exercise and don't get run over by a car".


nice!(2)  コメント(3) 

nice! 2

コメント 3


> いとおさん

by わらいぐま (2009-07-23 21:56) 


by PIKA (2009-08-09 22:28) 


> PIKAさん


by わらいぐま (2009-08-10 22:32) 


